I have been doing my regular etsy trawl-through looking at bags as usual and wanted to post these cool 80s sisal bags. I just love them. I still have my original one that i bought when i was 15, recently shipped it back with me to london from Sydney where i had it storing my socks.
They are part hippy, part hipster, super practical, strong and feature the most amazing range of colours and patterns.
Sisal goes Egyptian?!
I normally love them more when they have raw leather handles providing some nice contrast, but i equally love this handle detail which dips down the front.
This one is definitely my favourite, I love the etsy description:
"Deep Dark Autumnal 1980s or 70s Woven African Bag .vintage sisal ethnic ruck sack .tooled leather top with buckle strap .your new fave backpack or hippie diaper bag .you decide"
So true!
Check it out on etsy right now: http://www.etsy.com
There are so many nice 80s things on this etsy shop!
Love sisal bags. Wish I could find a multi-purpled version I left in an apartment many years ago. They are great sturdy bags.